Welcome to Lee Shaver Gunsmithing
Since the early 1960's black-powder has been a part of my life. From the age of eight when I killed my first squirrel with a muzzle loader, to my first rifle when I was nine (an original percussion .32 caliber rifle which my father and I rebuilt); I have always loved the smell of burning black powder.
Fortunate enough to grow up in a machine shop under a father who is a regular old-time rifle crank, I have had instilled in me from the youngest of age a love for old-time accurate rifles. I count myself fortunate to be able to spend my days working on the rifles I love, and have devoted my career as a gunsmith to achieving the utmost accuracy from them.
I spent 30 years as a gunsmith working on modern arms and at one point my shop tuned actions and installed barrels for the Winchester custom shop by the hundreds. I felt I was becoming a just a "parts changer" when I wanted to be a craftsman, so I slowly eliminated modern type arms from what I was willing to work on and decided to go back to what I love. To this end, I now specialize in muzzle loaders, black powder cartridge rifles, and pre-1900 era type rifles; and really only as a good hobby these days. My business has become more of a machine shop where we manufacture a line of competition sights and accessories to go with these vintage rifles for the casual plinker and the serious competitor alike. I work on the old guns I love when my other work allows me to.
As a serious competitor myself, I compete around the country and the world in long range matches using the products that I build and sell. I'm fortunate enough to hold a number of national and world records that I have attained with the products I sell here.
Along with the products found here on the website, I also offer restoration, repair, and accurizing services for rifles from the flintlock era through the single shot rifle era. I do original type finishes including color case hardening, rust bluing and browning, stock repairs and refinishing, relining of barrels, etc. But like I mentioned above, this work is down when the manufacturing schedule allows me time to do so.
I do phone consultations and will gladly do what I can to walk you through fixing a loading or rifle repair problem when I can. In fact, there are times when I fix as many guns over the phone as I do by hand in the shop. I still charge regular shop rate for the consulting time, but sometimes we can fix it quickly and get you back to shooting without a long downtime that way.
I teach loading, casting, the science of accuracy, and shooting techniques individually and in group settings on weekends when my schedule allows. If interested, you can call about pricing.
My daughter (Corrie) and I also publish The Single Shot Exchange magazine. A magazine that specializes in classic arms of the pre-1920 era and reproductions as well. In this magazine you will find historical reprints from over 100 years ago that we find interesting as well as a question and answer section, for sale and wanted ads, and articles by knowledgeable and experienced shooters and collectors. We try to make sure it is just a good fun read. Many of our readers tell us they read the magazine several times while waiting on the next month's copy.
For more information on the magazine you can go to the link at the top of the page or click on the button in the category section to the left. If you wish, you can subscribe or renew here or at the magazine's website.
Please feel free to call with any problems or a project you might like to discuss. I no longer email much because it takes up too much of my day. During the busy times of the year, I may not be able to answer every phone call. This is still a small working shop with a limited number of hours in the day, but I am here to help as much as I can.
Most of the products on this website will be in stock, but occasionally there will be a delay on an item. We typically ship within the USA by Priority Mail, when appropriate. The products that can be shipped to foreign countries will be mailed First Class International mail. If you desire special shipping, you should call in your order so the shipping charges can be adjusted accordingly.
Thanks for visiting my site, and shoot well!
Lee Shaver
My regular business hours are Mon-Fri, 8:00am to 5:00pm CST
Phone 417-682-3330
PO Box 570
404 E 17th St.
Lamar MO 64759